


v0.1でのプレイ。depth 8でついにShaedraを発見。portalで帰還した。真のエンディングを見るにはdepth 11まで潜らないとダメみたいだけど。

ピンチのときはmagara of confusionを使ったらどうにかなった。


以下dump(Pastebin版)とdepth 8までのスクショ。
 -- Harmonist version v0.1 character file --

You escaped from Dayoriah Clan's domain alive!

You rescued Shaedra.
You did not recover the Gem Portal Artifact.

You have 3/4 HP, 2/5 MP and 1/4 bananas.


- magara of teleportation (used 2 times)
- magara of swiftness (used 0 times)
- magara of confusion (used 10 times)
- magara of shadows (used 1 times)

- amulet of lignification (neck)

You spent 4430.5 turns in Hareka's Underground.
You explored 8 levels out of 11.

Last messages:
Achievement: Rescuer.
The high guard appears too confused to attack.
You are standing over a story message.
The high guard appears too confused to attack.
You hear footsteps.
You read the message.
You are standing over a monolith portal.
The high guard appears too confused to attack.
You hear footsteps. (2×)
You escape by the magic portal! [(x) to continue]

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Depth  1|Turn     2.0| You activated a mapping stone.
Depth  1|Turn   293.0| Achievement: Stealth Novice.
Depth  1|Turn   293.0| You descended deeper in the dungeon.
Depth  2|Turn   297.5| You took the magara of levitation.
Depth  2|Turn   307.5| You activated a teleport stone.
Depth  2|Turn   365.0| You evoked your magara of fog.
Depth  2|Turn   598.5| You descended deeper in the dungeon.
Depth  3|Turn   637.0| You activated a mapping stone.
Depth  3|Turn   646.5| Achievement: Banana Collector.
Depth  3|Turn   675.5| You took the magara of confusion.
Depth  3|Turn   681.5| You saw a mirror specter.
Depth  3|Turn  1006.5| You activated a teleport stone.
Depth  3|Turn  1066.0| Achievement: Insomnia Novice.
Depth  3|Turn  1066.0| You descended deeper in the dungeon.
Depth  4|Turn  1105.0| You activated a mapping stone.
Depth  4|Turn  1218.0| You activated a seal stone.
Depth  4|Turn  1228.0| You evoked your magara of confusion.
Depth  4|Turn  1282.5| You evoked your magara of fog.
Depth  4|Turn  1299.0| You evoked your magara of levitation.
Depth  4|Turn  1383.0| You fell deeper in the dungeon.
Depth  5|Turn  1528.0| You saw a mirror specter.
Depth  5|Turn  1748.0| Achievement: Light Extinguisher.
Depth  5|Turn  1991.0| You saw a vampire.
Depth  5|Turn  1991.0| You saw a vampire.
Depth  5|Turn  2012.0| You evoked your magara of confusion.
Depth  5|Turn  2019.5| You took the magara of shadows.
Depth  5|Turn  2075.0| You evoked your magara of confusion.
Depth  5|Turn  2110.5| You evoked your magara of shadows.
Depth  5|Turn  2899.5| Achievement: Novice Explorer.
Depth  5|Turn  2899.5| You descended deeper in the dungeon.
Depth  6|Turn  2935.0| You activated a sensing stone.
Depth  6|Turn  3163.0| Achievement: Harmonist Novice.
Depth  6|Turn  3163.0| You evoked your magara of confusion.
Depth  6|Turn  3210.5| You equip the magara of teleportation.
Depth  6|Turn  3376.0| Achievement: Tree Climber.
Depth  6|Turn  3554.0| You evoked your magara of teleportation.
Depth  6|Turn  3818.0| You evoked your magara of confusion.
Depth  6|Turn  3827.5| You descended deeper in the dungeon.
Depth  7|Turn  4040.0| You saw an earth dragon.
Depth  7|Turn  4158.5| You saw an earth dragon.
Depth  7|Turn  4178.9| Critical HP: 1 (hit by a satowalga plant)
Depth  7|Turn  4179.5| You evoked your magara of confusion.
Depth  7|Turn  4180.0| You saw a tree mushroom.
Depth  7|Turn  4180.0| You saw a tree mushroom.
Depth  7|Turn  4180.0| You evoked your magara of teleportation.
Depth  7|Turn  4180.5| You evoked your magara of confusion.
Depth  7|Turn  4187.0| You descended deeper in the dungeon.
Depth  8|Turn  4298.0| You saw a vampire.
Depth  8|Turn  4349.0| You saw a tree mushroom.
Depth  8|Turn  4386.0| You saw a mad nixe.
Depth  8|Turn  4400.0| You evoked your magara of confusion.
Depth  8|Turn  4404.5| Achievement: Protective Charm.
Depth  8|Turn  4404.5| You equip the amulet of lignification.
Depth  8|Turn  4412.0| You evoked your magara of confusion.
Depth  8|Turn  4415.5| You equip the magara of swiftness.
Depth  8|Turn  4419.0| You evoked your magara of confusion.
Depth  8|Turn  4427.5| Achievement: Rescuer.
Depth  8|Turn  4430.5| You escaped!

You evoked magaras 16 times, jumped 3 times, and moved 3624 times.
You rested 6 times.
You evoked 3 times oric magaras.
You evoked 13 times harmonic magaras.
You got hit 11 times, confused 4 times, slowed 4 times.
You were illuminated by an harmonic celmist 8 times.
Tiny harpies stole 1 bananas from you.
You were spotted by 52 monsters, 88 times.
You endured 11 damage.
You activated 7 magical stones.
You read 3 lore messages out of 8.
You climbed 16 trees.
You crawled through 10 holed walls.
You hid under 6 tables.
You opened 91 doors.
You hid in 14 barrels.
You extinguished 37 campfires.
There were 16 destroyed walls.
You spent 32.3% turns wounded.
You spent 37.4% turns with monsters in sight.
You spent 12.3% turns wounded with monsters in sight.

Quantity/Depth            1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
Explored (%)             78  91  78  66  97  99  82  68
Sleeping monsters (%)     0   0  14  13   0   4   4   4
Alerted monsters (%)      0  23  28  53  66  47  27  42
Total Alerts              0   3   6  13  28  18   7  13
Rests                     0   0   0   0   3   1   1   1
Received damage           0   0   0   2   3   2   3   1
Magara uses               0   1   0   3   3   3   3   3

- Banana Collector (turn 646)
- Harmonist Novice (turn 3163)
- Insomnia Novice (turn 1066)
- Light Extinguisher (turn 1748)
- Novice Explorer (turn 2899)
- Protective Charm (turn 4404)
- Rescuer (turn 4427)
- Stealth Novice (turn 293)
- Tree Climber (turn 3376)