v0.1でのプレイ。depth 8でついにShaedraを発見。portalで帰還した。真のエンディングを見るにはdepth 11まで潜らないとダメみたいだけど。
ピンチのときはmagara of confusionを使ったらどうにかなった。
以下dump(Pastebin版)とdepth 8までのスクショ。
-- Harmonist version v0.1 character file -- You escaped from Dayoriah Clan's domain alive! You rescued Shaedra. You did not recover the Gem Portal Artifact. You have 3/4 HP, 2/5 MP and 1/4 bananas. Statuses: Unhidden Magaras: - magara of teleportation (used 2 times) - magara of swiftness (used 0 times) - magara of confusion (used 10 times) - magara of shadows (used 1 times) Inventory: - amulet of lignification (neck) Miscellaneous: You spent 4430.5 turns in Hareka's Underground. You explored 8 levels out of 11. Last messages: Achievement: Rescuer. The high guard appears too confused to attack. You are standing over a story message. The high guard appears too confused to attack. You hear footsteps. You read the message. You are standing over a monolith portal. The high guard appears too confused to attack. You hear footsteps. (2×) You escape by the magic portal! [(x) to continue] Dungeon: ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ ### ### │ │ ###☼..#""# ###"# ##### ###,, │ │ ############### #,,Θ...+..+ +."""#,,,,,# #"" """,,, │ │#...............#,,,# ".# ##."""",,,,,,# .. ....,,# │ │#...#.&.#.&.#...#,,,,#+#""." #..."""",###,,,## ### ." #.,,## │ │#...............+.........." #..##"""""# #,,,"#,,,##+## #☼.,,,,# │ │ ################"",###"""."" #.# #" "" #,""",,#&...&#,,.,,,,,# │ │ """""" """ #""## "".♣" ####.# ,,"", #""",##.."""./##.,,,,,##+###+# │ │ #""""""""""""""""## ####,."""#,,,#.####,...... ""..+..""♣""..+......+.......#│ │ #,"""""""""""""""",#................................##.."""..##.#,,,###+###+# │ │#,,#"""",,"""..............""",≈≈≈,,,_,,,.,#####..,#..##>...π#.☼.#### #.g@# │ │#,,####,,,,"#+#"."""...,,.,,",≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈,,.# #.# #.# #####..#.# ### │ │#,,,##,_,,,#..#".""""",,#.,,,,,≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈,,☼Π +. .. .....##.# │ │ #,,,,,,,,,#...#.#""###"^.##,,,,###≈≈≈≈,,.# #, ##. """, ,.. │ │ #,,,,,##,,#.♣.+.### ##." #### ##≈≈≈,._# "" +# "# ##+# │ │ #,,,,# #,#...#.# +." ≈≈≈≈.,# │ │ #,,,,# # #..#.# #"" ....., │ │#,,,,,# #+##.# ..... │ │#,,,,,# #....# "^# │ │ #,,,# #### # │ │ ### │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Timeline: Depth 1|Turn 2.0| You activated a mapping stone. Depth 1|Turn 293.0| Achievement: Stealth Novice. Depth 1|Turn 293.0| You descended deeper in the dungeon. Depth 2|Turn 297.5| You took the magara of levitation. Depth 2|Turn 307.5| You activated a teleport stone. Depth 2|Turn 365.0| You evoked your magara of fog. Depth 2|Turn 598.5| You descended deeper in the dungeon. Depth 3|Turn 637.0| You activated a mapping stone. Depth 3|Turn 646.5| Achievement: Banana Collector. Depth 3|Turn 675.5| You took the magara of confusion. Depth 3|Turn 681.5| You saw a mirror specter. Depth 3|Turn 1006.5| You activated a teleport stone. Depth 3|Turn 1066.0| Achievement: Insomnia Novice. Depth 3|Turn 1066.0| You descended deeper in the dungeon. Depth 4|Turn 1105.0| You activated a mapping stone. Depth 4|Turn 1218.0| You activated a seal stone. Depth 4|Turn 1228.0| You evoked your magara of confusion. Depth 4|Turn 1282.5| You evoked your magara of fog. Depth 4|Turn 1299.0| You evoked your magara of levitation. Depth 4|Turn 1383.0| You fell deeper in the dungeon. Depth 5|Turn 1528.0| You saw a mirror specter. Depth 5|Turn 1748.0| Achievement: Light Extinguisher. Depth 5|Turn 1991.0| You saw a vampire. Depth 5|Turn 1991.0| You saw a vampire. Depth 5|Turn 2012.0| You evoked your magara of confusion. Depth 5|Turn 2019.5| You took the magara of shadows. Depth 5|Turn 2075.0| You evoked your magara of confusion. Depth 5|Turn 2110.5| You evoked your magara of shadows. Depth 5|Turn 2899.5| Achievement: Novice Explorer. Depth 5|Turn 2899.5| You descended deeper in the dungeon. Depth 6|Turn 2935.0| You activated a sensing stone. Depth 6|Turn 3163.0| Achievement: Harmonist Novice. Depth 6|Turn 3163.0| You evoked your magara of confusion. Depth 6|Turn 3210.5| You equip the magara of teleportation. Depth 6|Turn 3376.0| Achievement: Tree Climber. Depth 6|Turn 3554.0| You evoked your magara of teleportation. Depth 6|Turn 3818.0| You evoked your magara of confusion. Depth 6|Turn 3827.5| You descended deeper in the dungeon. Depth 7|Turn 4040.0| You saw an earth dragon. Depth 7|Turn 4158.5| You saw an earth dragon. Depth 7|Turn 4178.9| Critical HP: 1 (hit by a satowalga plant) Depth 7|Turn 4179.5| You evoked your magara of confusion. Depth 7|Turn 4180.0| You saw a tree mushroom. Depth 7|Turn 4180.0| You saw a tree mushroom. Depth 7|Turn 4180.0| You evoked your magara of teleportation. Depth 7|Turn 4180.5| You evoked your magara of confusion. Depth 7|Turn 4187.0| You descended deeper in the dungeon. Depth 8|Turn 4298.0| You saw a vampire. Depth 8|Turn 4349.0| You saw a tree mushroom. Depth 8|Turn 4386.0| You saw a mad nixe. Depth 8|Turn 4400.0| You evoked your magara of confusion. Depth 8|Turn 4404.5| Achievement: Protective Charm. Depth 8|Turn 4404.5| You equip the amulet of lignification. Depth 8|Turn 4412.0| You evoked your magara of confusion. Depth 8|Turn 4415.5| You equip the magara of swiftness. Depth 8|Turn 4419.0| You evoked your magara of confusion. Depth 8|Turn 4427.5| Achievement: Rescuer. Depth 8|Turn 4430.5| You escaped! Statistics: You evoked magaras 16 times, jumped 3 times, and moved 3624 times. You rested 6 times. You evoked 3 times oric magaras. You evoked 13 times harmonic magaras. You got hit 11 times, confused 4 times, slowed 4 times. You were illuminated by an harmonic celmist 8 times. Tiny harpies stole 1 bananas from you. You were spotted by 52 monsters, 88 times. You endured 11 damage. You activated 7 magical stones. You read 3 lore messages out of 8. You climbed 16 trees. You crawled through 10 holed walls. You hid under 6 tables. You opened 91 doors. You hid in 14 barrels. You extinguished 37 campfires. There were 16 destroyed walls. You spent 32.3% turns wounded. You spent 37.4% turns with monsters in sight. You spent 12.3% turns wounded with monsters in sight. Quantity/Depth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Explored (%) 78 91 78 66 97 99 82 68 Sleeping monsters (%) 0 0 14 13 0 4 4 4 Alerted monsters (%) 0 23 28 53 66 47 27 42 Total Alerts 0 3 6 13 28 18 7 13 Rests 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 Received damage 0 0 0 2 3 2 3 1 Magara uses 0 1 0 3 3 3 3 3 Achievements: - Banana Collector (turn 646) - Harmonist Novice (turn 3163) - Insomnia Novice (turn 1066) - Light Extinguisher (turn 1748) - Novice Explorer (turn 2899) - Protective Charm (turn 4404) - Rescuer (turn 4427) - Stealth Novice (turn 293) - Tree Climber (turn 3376)