
UnReal World 3.20プレイその4 ウッズマン対Njerpez兵

Day 2 of 13th week before winter season

Day 4 of 12th week before winter season
foreign traderの1人が集団から置いてけぼりにされてた。湿地の孤立地に生成されたせいみたい。ほかの2人は一旦パーティメンバーにして連れてきたvagabond hunterとSeal-Tribe woodsman。

平常時の陸上生物はshallow waterでも入ろうとしない? companion、aggressive、escapingのときは水の中にも普通に入るけど。

Day 7 of 12th week before winter season
Njerpez warriorを追い立ててNPCにぶつけてみる。湿地に囲ったSeal-Tribe woodsman。半殺しにしてから意識が回復するまで2日間。やっとescapingのNjerpez warriorになってくれた。

foreign traderと10部族の人々はNjerpez人を見ても無反応? 自分が攻撃されてからでないとaggressiveにはならないみたい。

Njerpez warrior attacks Heikki!
Heikki swears at Njerpez warrior.
Heikki attacks the Njerpez warrior!
Heikki tries to slash the Njerpez warrior with his handaxe.
He executes a skilled strike and his attempt to dodge is clumsy and late.
His strike glances off of his elbow still hurting him.
The handaxe slips from the Njerpez warrior's grasp.
Heikki gains tactical advantage to immediately attack again!
Heikki tries to slash the Njerpez warrior with his handaxe.
He fails to do more than a sloppy strike but his attempt to dodge turns into a stumble.
The Njerpez warrior stumbles and falls.
Njerpez warrior rises back on his feet.
Heikki tries to slash the Njerpez warrior with his handaxe.
He executes a skilled strike and his attempt to dodge is clumsy and late.
His strike glances off of his abdomen still hurting him.
The impact doesn't penetrate his armour.
Njerpez warrior picks up handaxe.
You hear sounds of fighting in the north.
Heikki tries to slash the Njerpez warrior with his handaxe.
He fails to do more than a sloppy strike but his attempt to dodge turns into a stumble.
The Njerpez warrior stumbles and falls.
Heikki gains tactical advantage to immediately attack again!
Heikki tries to slash the Njerpez warrior with his handaxe.
He fails to do more than a sloppy strike but his attempt to dodge turns into a stumble.
Heikki completely misses him.
Njerpez warrior rises back on his feet.
Heikki tries to slash the Njerpez warrior with his handaxe.
He fails to do more than a sloppy strike but he fumbles with his handaxe failing his counterstrike attempt.
His strike glances off of his hip still hurting him.
The Njerpez warrior stumbles and falls.
Heikki gains tactical advantage to immediately attack again!
Heikki tries to slash the Njerpez warrior with his handaxe.
He executes a skilled strike and he fumbles with his handaxe failing his counterstrike attempt.
His handaxe strikes hard to his shoulder!
Njerpez warrior rises back on his feet.
Heikki tries to slash the Njerpez warrior with his handaxe.
He executes a skilled strike and his attempt to dodge is clumsy and late.
His strike glances off of his forearm still hurting him.
Heikki gains tactical advantage to immediately attack again!
Heikki tries to slash the Njerpez warrior with his handaxe.
His pathetic strike is barely an attack and he dodges like a swan.
The Njerpez warrior gains tactical advantage to strike back immediately!
the Njerpez warrior dies.
The handaxe slips from the Njerpez warrior's grasp.

Day 1 of 10th week before winter season

Day 3 of 9th week before winter season
キャンプの建物を解体して水場近くに建て直そうかと思ったけど途中で面倒に感じてやめた。キャンプのkotaに使われていた毛皮はすべてragged reindeer furだった。

Day 2 of 8th week before winter season



群れが去ってからイヌ3頭の行方を探すとsmall dog 1頭が殺されてた。成果は最初にbroadhead arrowを刺したオオカミ1頭。その5へ続く……


Infra Arcana v17.0プレイその1 召喚術

rogueでのプレイ記録です。3階まで探索し終えた。主な決め技はdaggerのバックスタブ。cloud mindsで敵をunawareにしてからの。


17.0新モンスターのgas sporeに遭遇! HPは1しかなくてスピートも低い? 死ぬと爆発する。群れで活動しているので誘爆させやすい。

mi-go銃はelectric cellがなくても-1 HP、+1 shockでリロード1発分。


DLVL: 10
summon creatureのmanuscriptを使用。flying polypが召喚されてグールの集団が一掃された。electricダメージしか効かないflying polypを倒せるのはmi-goだけ? 召喚モンスターは階の移動や時間経過で消えてしまうけど。

summon creatureとpestilenceは味方モンスターを呼び出す呪文。運が悪いとhostileモンスターが出てくる。summon creatureはキャラのレベルが高いほどサモンされるモンスターも強い。pestilenceはratかspiderが群れで召喚される。

